

a PFLOTRAN reaction sandbox for particle transport

View the Project on GitHub edsaac/bioparticle

Setback distance of an extraction well from a contaminated leaking pipe

What is this experiment?

A leaking pipe near an extraction well.

What does the code do? reads a CSV file with a list of cases to run in PFLOTRAN, allowing the variation of parameters that are pointed out in the template .IN file as follows:

      RATE_ATTACHMENT <katt> 1/s
      RATE_DETACHMENT <kdet> 1/s

the tags <katt> and <kdet> are replaced for the list of values indicated in the csv-file, in the column with the same header.

How to run this test?



All cases listed in the CSV file will run in parallel: if four cases are given, four processes are started. This is different than splitting the domain of each single case and running it into n different processes.

References for this experiment:



An injection of nanoparticles at a given concentration is set at a region on the top boundary of an aquifer. This injection last for five days, after that, clean water keeps leaking into the system. At the left-side of the domain there is an extraction well extracting water at a constant rate. The right-side boundary of the aquifer is assumed open, assuming the water table is found at the surface.

Column flow

Aquifer parameters   Value Unit
Lenght L 580 m
Depth H 116 m
Permeability k 1.0 × 10-10 m2
Porosity φ 0.33 -
Long. Dispersivity αL 0.015 cm


Leaking parameters   Value Unit
Distance to well rs 435 m
Leaking distance ls 15 m
Leaking rate ql 1.5 m/day


Extraction well   Value Unit
Top elevation rs 82.4 m
Bottom elevation H 32.5 m
Flow rate Qe 83.3 m3/d


List of parameters


Case katt kdet λaq λim
Conservative tracer 0 0 0 0
Only decay 0 0 5.0 × 10-3 0
Only kinetic sorption 5.0 × 10-2 1.0 × 10-2 0 0
Sorption + Decay 5.0 × 10-2 1.0 × 10-2 5.0 × 10-3 1.0 × 10-2

k and λ units in [d-1]

PFLOTRAN Simulation

Column flow

Column flow

Column flow

Column flow

