

a PFLOTRAN reaction sandbox for particle transport

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Breakthrough curves from a column experiment

What is a breakthrough curve?
It’s a plot of concentration at some point over time

What is a column experiment?
A fluid with some solute concentration is injected at one end of a cilyndrical soil sample and its concentration is registered at the other end.

More details at:



Breakthrough curve

An injection of some bioparticle (e.g. a virus) concentration is set at the inlet of a column experiment. The bioparticle can either attach to the solid matrix, dettach and reenter the aqueous phase, and decay into another species. After some time, the bioparticle injection is stopped and only clean water keeps runing through the column.

Column parameters   Value Unit
Lenght L 50 cm
Diameter Ø 5 cm
Darcy flow q 2.05 cm/h
Porosity φ 0.37 -
Grain size d50 0.44 mm


Particle parameters   Value Unit
Size dp 62 nm
Isoelectric point IEP ~ 3.5 -
Initial concentration C0 1.66 × 10-16 mol/L


Plug flow case

Parameter   Value Unit
Long. dispersion coefficient αL 0 cm
Attachment rate katt 0 1/s
Detachment rate kdet 0 1/s
Decay while in aqueous phase λaq 0 1/s
Decay while adsorbed to solid phase λim 0 1/s



Breakthrough curve

With longitudinal dispersion

Parameter   Value Unit
Long. dispersion coefficient αL 0.2 cm
Attachment rate katt 0 1/s
Detachment rate kdet 0 1/s
Decay while in aqueous phase λaq 0 1/s
Decay while adsorbed to solid phase λim 0 1/s



Breakthrough curveBreakthrough curve

Only attachment (sink)

Parameter   Value Unit
Long. dispersion coefficient αL 0.2 cm
Attachment rate katt 1.11 × 10-5 1/s
Detachment rate kdet 0 1/s
Decay while in aqueous phase λaq 0 1/s
Decay while adsorbed to solid phase λim 0 1/s



Breakthrough curveBreakthrough curve

Attachment & detachment (source + sink)

Parameter   Value Unit
Long. dispersion coefficient αL 0.2 cm
Attachment rate katt 1.11 × 10-5 1/s
Detachment rate kdet 7.22 × 10-7 1/s
Decay while in aqueous phase λaq 0 1/s
Decay while adsorbed to solid phase λim 0 1/s



Breakthrough curveBreakthrough curve

Attachment, detachment & decay

Parameter   Value Unit
Long. dispersion coefficient αL 0.2 cm
Attachment rate katt 1.11 × 10-5 1/s
Detachment rate kdet 7.22 × 10-7 1/s
Decay while in aqueous phase λaq 1.94 × 10-6 1/s
Decay while adsorbed to solid phase λim 9.72 × 10-6 1/s



Breakthrough curve
