

a PFLOTRAN reaction sandbox for particle transport

View the Project on GitHub edsaac/bioparticle

One-site kinetic attachment of Phage PRD1

What is this experiment?
Column experiment for the transport (adsorption/decay) of a non-enveloped virus in a saturated porous media.

What does the code do? recieves a csv-file with the list of cases to be executed and a template file for the input PFLOTRAN. The template has tags where values will be replaced by the ones indicated in the csv-file. For example, in the template file

      RATE_ATTACHMENT <katt> 1/h

the tag <katt> is replaced for the list of values indicated in the csv-file, in the column with the same header.

How to run this test?


More details of the real experiment:

Sadeghi, G., Schijven, J.F., Behrends, T., Hassanizadeh, S.M., Gerritse, J. and Kleingeld, P.J. (2011), Systematic Study of Effects of pH and Ionic Strength on >Attachment of Phage PRD1. Groundwater, 49: 12-19. DOI:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2010.00767.x



An injection of an infective virus (PRD1) at a given concentration is set at the inlet of a column experiment. The virus can either attach to the quartz matrix, dettach and re-enter the aqueous phase, and decay and lose infectivity. After some time, the bioparticle injection is stopped and only clean water keeps runing through the column.

Column flow

Column parameters   Value Unit
Lenght L 50 cm
Diameter Ø 5 cm
Grain size d50 0.44 mm
Darcy velocity q f(Case) cm/h
Liquid velocity v = q × θ cm/h
Pore Volume PV = L / v s
Pulse Duration te f(Case) s

Column flow


Particle parameters   Value Unit
Size dp 62 nm
Initial concentration C0 1.66 × 10-16 mol/L
Long. dispersion αL 0.2 cm


List of parameters

IS pH Folder katt kdet λaq λim
1 8 ./CASE_001 0.0045 0.2000 0.003 0.015
7 ./CASE_002 0.0410 0.0019 0.005 0.025
6 ./CASE_003 0.0700 0.0009 0.004 0.025
5 ./CASE_004 0.1100 0.0031 0.006 0.035
10 8 ./CASE_005 0.0380 0.0036 0.007 0.040
7 ./CASE_006 0.0400 0.0026 0.007 0.035
6 ./CASE_007 0.1400 0.0030 0.007 0.035
5 ./CASE_008 0.8000 0.0070 0.007 0.035
20 8 ./CASE_009 0.1100 0.0045 0.007 0.027
7 ./CASE_010 0.2100 0.0140 0.007 0.027
6 ./CASE_011 0.5500 0.0036 0.007 0.027
5 ./CASE_012 2.0800 0.0000 0.007 0.035

Other cases with no reaction terms are run to ilustrate the effect of a high longitudinal dispersion coefficient in the tail of these plots and the soon arrival of the peak of the curves.

Case Long. Disp Folder katt kdet λaq λim
Low Péclet αL= 0.2 cm ./CASE_013 0 0 0 0
"Reasonable" Péclet αL= 0.002 cm ./CASE_014 0 0 0 0
Péclet → ∞ αL= 1 × 10-30 ./CASE_015 0 0 0 0

k and λ units in [h-1]


PFLOTRAN Simulation

Without the attachment/detachment and decay rates

Low Péclet number:

Column flow

“Reasonable” Péclet number:

Column flow

Péclet → ∞ :

Column flow

With the attachment/detachment and decay rates

Column flow

Column flow

Column flow

Column flow

Column flow

Column flow

Column flow

Column flow

Column flow

Column flow

Column flow

Column flow
